Entre 2017 e 2024 (parcial), os projetos desenvolvidos no EECBio originaram > 400 artigos publicados até o momento, com 62% em revistas A1-A2 e 76% em co-autorias dentro da equipe, sendo que 48% dos artigos publicados incluem bolsistas DTI do projeto, sendo vários deles desenvolvidos a partir dos 16 workshops de pesquisa realizados desde 2018 e demonstrando o apoio aos GTs, projetos ou laboratórios (lista completa abaixo).
Ano | Total | Artigos A1-A2 | Artigos A | Artigos 2PQ | Artigos (bolsistas DTI) | Artigos em CoAutoria (geral) | Autores Internacionais |
2017 | 18 | 12 | 18 | 8 | 9 | 12 | 5 |
2018 | 69 | 43 | 62 | 36 | 24 | 57 | 19 |
2019 | 62 | 40 | 57 | 38 | 28 | 47 | 26 |
2020 | 64 | 40 | 54 | 34 | 31 | 49 | 20 |
2021 | 70 | 45 | 61 | 26 | 32 | 45 | 17 |
2022 | 45 | 23 | 35 | 19 | 20 | 37 | 8 |
2023 | 57 | 29 | 54 | 21 | 35 | 43 | 9 |
2024 | 49 | 33 | 46 | 16 | 27 | 36 | 8 |
Total | 434 | 265 | 387 | 198 | 206 | 326 | 112 |
Em termos de destaque na produção científica, do total de artigos, cerca de 62% foram publicados em periódicos A1 ou A2 na área de Biodiversidade, a maior parte deles em periódicos com IF > 4.0. Foram publicados até o momento 17 artigos em periódicos internacionais de alto impacto, incluindo 4 artigos na Science, 1 na Nature, 4 na Nature Communication, 3 na Nature Ecology and Evolution e 5 no Proc. Natl. Acad. Science USA (PNAS). Dentre os autores os membros da equipe de pesquisadores aparecem em negrito e os nomes dos bolsistas DTI associados do EECBio estão destacados em vermelho.
Brum, F.T., Graham, C.H., Costa, G.C., Hedges, S.B., Penone, C., Radeloff, V.C., Rondinini, C., Loyola, R., and Davidson, A.D. (2017). Global priorities for conservation across multiple dimensions of mammalian diversity. PNAS, 114 (29) 7641-7646.
Menegotto, A. and Rangel, T. F. (2018). Mapping knowledge gaps in marine diversity reveals a latitudinal gradient of missing species richness. Nature communications, 9(1), 4713.
Rangel, T. F., Edwards, N.R., Holden, P.B., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Gosling, W.D., Coelho, M.T.P. Cassemiro, F.A.S., Rahbek, C. and Colwell, R.K. (2018). Modeling the ecology and evolution of biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, museums, and graves. Science, 361(6399), eaar5452.
Saremi, N.F., Supple, M.A., Byrne, A., Cahill, J.A., Coutinho, L.L., Dalén, L., …, Eizirik, E., et al. (2019). Puma genomes from North and South America provide insights into the genomic consequences of inbreeding. Nature Communications, 10(1), 4769.
De Manuel, M., Barnett, R., Sandoval-Velasco, M., Yamaguchi, N., Garrett Vieira, F., Zepeda Mendoza, M. L., … Eizirik, E., ... et al. (2020). The evolutionary history of extinct and living lions. PNAS 117(20), 10927-10934.
Dobson, A.P., Pimm, S.L., Hannah, L., Kaufman, L., Ahumada, J.A., Ando, A.W., … Vale, M.M. (2020). Ecology and economics for pandemic prevention. Science, 369(6502), 379-381.
Vianna, J.A., Fernandes, F.A.N., Frugone, M.J., Figueiró, H.V., Pertierra, L.R., Noll, D., … Eizirik, E., Nery, M.F. and Bowie, R.C.K. (2020). Genome-wide analyses reveal drivers of penguin diversification. PNAS 117(36), 22303–22310.
Rubalcaba, J. G., Gouveia, S. F., Villalobos, F., Cruz-neto, A. P., Castro, M. G., Amado, T. F., Martinez, P. A., Navas, C. A., Dobrovolski, R., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F., and Olalla-Tárraga, M. A. (2022). Physical constraints on thermoregulation and flight drive morphological evolution in bats. PNAS 119, e2103745119.
Cassemiro, F.A.S., Albert., J.A., Antonelli, A., Menegotto,A., Wüest, R.O., Cerezer, F., Coelho, M.T.P., Reis, R.E., Tan, M., Tagliacollo, V., Bailly, D., Silva, V.F.B., Graça, W.J., Ré, R., Ramos, T., Oliveira, A.G., Dias, M.S., Colwell, R.K., Rangel, T.F., Graham, C.H. (2023). Landscape Dynamics and Diversification of the Megadiverse South American Freshwater Fish Fauna. PNAS 120, e2211974120.
Cerezer, F. O., Dambros, C. S., Coelho, M. T., Cassemiro, F. A., Barreto, E., Albert, J. S., Wüest, R. O., & Graham, C. H. (2023). Accelerated body size evolution in upland environments is correlated with recent speciation in South American freshwater fishes. Nature Communications, 14: 1-11.
Coelho, MTP, Barreto E, Rangel TF, Diniz-Filho, JAF, Wuest RO, Bach, W., Skeels, A., McFadden IR, Roberts, DW, Pellissier, L., Zimmermann, NE & Graham, C H. (2023) The geography of climate and the global patterns of species diversity. Nature
Pie, M.R., Divieso, R. & Caron, F.S. (2023) Clade density and the evolution of diversity-dependent diversification. Nature Communications 14, 4576.
Rubalcaba, J. G., Gouveia, S. F., Villalobos, F., Olalla-Tárraga, M., & Sunday, J. (2023). Climate drives global functional trait variation in lizards. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 7, 524–534.
Boschman, L., Carraro, L., Cassemiro, F. S., de Vries, J., Florian, A., Hagen, O., Hoorn, C., Pellissier, L. (2023). Freshwater fish diversity in the western Amazon basin shaped by Andean uplift since the Late Cretaceous. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7, 1-8.
Bialic-Murphy, L. et al. (Bordin, K.M; Müller S.C.). 2024. The pace of life for forest trees. Science 386: 92–98.
Bispo, P. et al. (Diniz-Filho, J. A. F.; De Marco, P.) (2024) Overlooking vegetation loss outside forests imperils the Brazilian Cerrado and other non-forest biomes. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8, 12–13.
Pertierra, R. et al. (Diniz-Filho, J. A. F.; Olalla-Tarraga, M. A; Hortal, J.). (2025). Advances and shortfalls in knowledge of Antarctic terrestrial and freshwater iodiversity. Science 387, 609-615
A lista total de produção científica do EECBio encontra-se a seguir, em ordem cronológica. Dentre os autores os membros da equipe de pesquisadores aparecem em negrito e os nomes dos bolsistas DTI associados do EECBio estão destacados em vermelho.
Cabral, A.F., Buosi, P.R.B., Segóvia, B.T., Velho, L.F.M. and Bini, L.M. (2017). Taxonomic sufficiency in detecting hydrological changes and reproducing ordination patterns: A test using planktonic ciliates. Ecological Indicators, 82: 227-232.
Costa, C.F., Collevatti, R.G., Chaves, L.J., Lima, J.S., Soares, T.N., and Telles, M.P.C. (2017). Genetic diversity and fine-scale genetic structure in Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 72: 63-67.
Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. and Raia, P. (2017). Island rule, quantitative genetics and brain-body size evolution in Homo floresiensis. Proc. R. Soc. B, 284: 20171065.
Duarte, L.D.S., Debastiani, V.J., Carlucci, M.B., and Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2017). Analyzing community-weighted trait means across environmental gradients: should phylogeny stay or should it go? Ecology, 99(2), 385-398.
Brum, F.T., Graham, C.H., Costa, G.C., Hedges, S.B., Penone, C., Radeloff, V.C., Rondinini, C., Loyola, R., and Davidson, A.D. (2017). Global priorities for conservation across multiple dimensions of mammalian diversity. PNAS, 114 (29) 7641-7646.
Guimarães, R.A., Telles, M.P.C., Antunes, A.M., Correa, K.M., Ribeiro, C.V.G., Coelho, A.S.G. and Soares, T.N. (2017). Discovery and characterization of new microsatellite loci in Dipteryx alata Vogel (Fabaceae) using next-generation sequencing data. Genetics and Molecular Research, 16, 1-6.
Figueiró, H. V.,(…), Eizirik, E. (2017). Genome-wide signatures of complex introgression and adaptive evolution in the big cats. Sci. Adv. 2017,3: e1700299 1
Lima-Ribeiro, M.S., Moreno, A.K.M., Terribile, L.C., Caten, C., Loyola, R., Rangel, T.F. and Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2017). Fossil record improves biodiversity risk assessment under future climate change scenarios. Diversity & Distributions 23: 922-933.
Lopes, V.G., Branco, C.W.C., Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B., Sousa-Filho, I.F., Souza, L.C. and Bini, L.M. (2017). Predicting temporal variation in zooplankton beta diversity is challenging. PloS One, 12(11), p.e0187499.
Machado, K.B., Teresa, F.B. and Nabout, J.C. (2017). Assessing the spatial variation of functional diversity estimates based on dendrograms in phytoplankton communities. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 571-582.
Parreira, M. R., Machado, K.B., Ramiro, L., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. and Nabout, J.C. (2017). The roles of geographic distance and socioeconomic factors on international collaboration among ecologists. Scientometrics,113: 1539-1550.
Roa, F., and Telles, M.P.C. (2017). The Cerrado (Brazil) plant cytogenetics database. Comparative Cytogenetics, 11: 285-297.
Rocha, M.P., Bini, L.M., Siqueira, T., Hjort, J., Grönroos, M., Lindholm, M., Karjalainen, S.M. and Heino, J. (2017). Predicting occupancy and abundance by niche position, niche breadth and body size in stream organisms. Oecologia, 1-12.
Rodrigues, J.F.M., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2017). Dispersal is more important than climate in structuring turtle communities across different biogeographical realms. Journal of Biogeography, 44: 2109-2120.
Vieira, M.C., Bini, L.M., Velho, L.F.M., Gomes, L.F., Nabout, J.C. and Vieira, L.C.G., (2017). Biodiversity shortcuts in biomonitoring of novel ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 82, 505-512.
Vieira, R.R.S.V., Ribeiro, B.R., Resende, F.M., Brum, F.T., Machado, N., Sales, L.P., Macedo, L., Soares-Filho, B. and Loyola, R. (2017). Compliance to Brazil’s Forest Code will not protect biodiversity and ecosystem services. Diversity and Distributions, 24: 434-438.
Vitória, R.S., Vizentin-Bugoni, J., and Duarte, L.S. (2017). Evolutionary history as a driver of ecological networks: a case study of plant-hummingbird interactions. Oikos, 127(4), 561-569.
Nori, J., Leynaud, G. C., Volante, J., Abdala, C. S., Scrocchi, G. J., Rodríguez-Soto, C., … Loyola, R. (2017). Reptile species persistence under climate change and direct human threats in north-western Argentina. Environmental Conservation, 45(01), 83-89.
Almeida-Júnior, E.B., Collevatti, R.G., Telles, M.P.C., Chaves, L.J., Neres, D.F., and Soares, T.N. (2018). Short-distance pollen dispersal in a protogynous Annonaceae tree species from the Brazilian Cerrado. Plant Syst Evol, 304, 1091-1099.
Alves, D.M.C.C., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Souza, K.S., Gouveia, S.F., and Villalobos, F. (2018). Geographic variation in the relationship between large-scale environmental determinants and bat species richness. Basic and Applied Ecology, 27, 1-8.
Andreu, M.T.C., Arlé, C.E., Minsky, E.M.C., Laut, L., Fortes, R.R., Lorini, M.L., and Figueiredo, M.S.L. (2018) Thermoregulation or habitat selection? Environmental predictors of the body shape variation in sharks (Chondricthyes: Selachimorpha). Oecologia Australis, 22, 179-190.
Barros, M.J.F., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Freitas, L.R. (2018). Ecological drivers of plant genetic diversity at the southern edge of geographical distributions: forestal vines in a temperate region. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 41, 318-326.
Belart, P., Clemente, I.M.M.M., Raposo, D., Habib, R., Volino, E.K., Vilar, A., Martins, M.V.A., Fontana, L., Lorini, M.L., Panigai, G.F.V., Frontalini, F., Figueiredo, M.S.L., Vasconcelos, S.C. and Laut, L.L.M. (2018). Living and dead foraminifera as bioindicators in Saquarema Lagoon System, Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 46, 1055-1072.
Berriozabal-Islas, C., Rodrigues, J. F. M., Ramírez-Bautista, A., Becerra-López, J. L., & Nieto-Montes de Oca, A. (2018). Effect of climate change in lizards of the genus Xenosaurus (Xenosauridae) based on projected changes in climatic suitability and climatic niche conservatism. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 6860–6871.
Boaventura-Novaes, C.R.D., Novaes, E., Mota, E.E.S., Telles, M.P.C., Coelho, A.S.G. and Chaves, L. J. (2018). Genetic drift and uniform selection shape evolution of most traits in Eugenia dysenterica DC. (Myrtaceae). Tree Genetics & Genomes, 14 (76).
Bovendorp, R.S., Brum, F.T., McCleery, R.A., Baiser, B., Loyola, R., Cianciaruso, M.V., Galetti, M. (2018). Defaunation and fragmentation erode small mammal diversity dimensions in tropical forests. Ecography, 42: 23-35.
Braz, A.G., Lorini, M.L. and Vale, M.M. (2018). Climate change is likely to affect the distribution but not parapatry of the Brazilian marmoset monkeys (Callithrix spp.). Diversity and Distribution, 25: 536-550.
Brito, C.P.T.A., Guerra, V., Gambale, P.G., Bastos, R.P., Silva, D.M. and Telles, M.P.C. (2018). Cytogenetics of two hylid frogs from Brazilian Cerrado. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 41 (4): 814-819.
Caetano, J.M., Tessarolo, G., Oliveira, G., Souza, K.S., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., and Nabout, J.C. (2018). Geographical patterns in climate and agricultural technology drive soybean productivity in Brazil. PLoS One, 13(1): e0191273.
Ceschin, F., Bini, L.M., and Padial, A.A. (2018). Correlates of fish and aquatic macrophyte beta diversity in the Upper Paraná River floodplain. Hydrobiologia, 805, 377-389.
Collevatti, R.G., Rodrigues, E.E., Vitorino, L.C., Lima-Ribeiro, M.S., Chaves, L.J., and Telles, M.P.C. (2018). Unravelling the genetic differentiation among varieties of the Neotropical savanna tree Hancornia speciosa Gomes. Annals of Botany, 122: 973-984.
Crispim, B.D.A., Bajay, M.M., Vasconcelos, A.A., Deo, T.G., Braga, R.S., Telles, M.P.C., Vieira, M.D.C., Carnevali, T.D.O., Solórzano, J.C.J. and Grisolia, A.B. (2018). Relationship between Genetic Variability and Land Use and Land Cover in Populations of Campomanesia adamantium (Myrtaceae). Diversity, 10(4):106.
Cunha, H.F., Ferreira, E.D., Tessarolo, G. and Nabout, J.C. (2018). Host plant distributions and climate interact to affect the predicted geographic distribution of a Neotropical termite. Biotropica, 50, 625-632.
Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Santos, W. and Jardim, L. (2018). Integrating macroecology and quantitative genetics evolution of body size and brain size under island rule. Oecologia Australis, 22, 201-209.
Dobrovolski, R., Loyola, R., Rattis, L., Gouveia, S.F., Cardoso, D., Santos-Silva, R., Gonçalves-Souza, D., Bini, L.M. and Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2018). Science and democracy must orientate Brazil's path to sustainability. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 16(3): 121-124.
Eduardo, A.A., Martinez, P.A., Gouveia, S.F., Santos, S., Santos, W., Arag, D., Morales-Barbero, J., Kerber, L. and Liparini, A. (2018). Extending the paleontology - biogeography reciprocity with SDMs: Exploring models and data in reducing fossil taxonomic uncertainty. PloS One, 13, e0194725.
Estrada, A., Garber, P.A., Mittermeier, R.A., Wich, S., Gouveia, S., Dobrovolski, R., and Williamson, E.A. (2018). Primates in peril: the significance of Brazil, Madagascar, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for global primate conservation. PeerJ, 6: e4869.
Faleiro, F.V., Nemésio, A. and Loyola, R. (2018). Climate change likely to reduce orchid bee abundance even in climatic suitable sites. Glob. Chang. Biol., 24, 2272-2283.
Fernandes, G.W., Banhos, A., Barbosa, N.P.U., Barbosa, M., Bergallo, H.G., Loureiro, C.G., Overbeck, G.E., Solar, R., Strassburg, B.B.N., Vale, M. (2018). Restoring Brazil's road margins could help the country offset its CO2 emissions and comply with the Bonn and Paris Agreements. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 16, 105-112.
Gerhold, P., Carlucci, M. B., Procheş, S. and Prinzing, A. (2018). The deep past controls the phylogenetic structure of present, local communities. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 49:1, 477-497.
Giglio, V.J., Pinheiro, H.T., Bender, M.G., Bonaldo, R.M., Costa-Lotufo, L.V., Ferreira, C.E.L., Floeter, S.R., Freire, A., Gasparini, J.L., Joyeux, J.C., Krajewski, J.P., Lindner, A., Longo, G.O., Lotufo, T.M.C., Loyola, R., et al. (2018). Large and remote marine protected areas in the South Atlantic Ocean are flawed and raise concerns: Comments on Soares and Lucas (2018). Mar. Policy, 96, 13-17.
Gouveia, S.F., Bovo, R.P., Rubalcaba, J.G., Silva, F.R., Maciel, N.M., Andrade, D.V., and Martinez, P.A. (2018). Biophysical Modeling of Water Economy Can Explain Geographic Gradient of Body Size in Anurans. The American Naturalist, 193.
Honório, I.C.G., Coppede, J.S., Delprete, P.G., Costa, F.H.S, Telles, M.P.C., Braga, R.S., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., et al. (2018) Genetic structure and chemical diversity in natural populations of Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F.Gmel. (Rubiaceae). PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205667.
Iserhard, C.A., Duarte, L., Seraphim, N. and Freitas, A.V.L. (2018). How urbanization affects multiple dimensions of biodiversity in tropical butterfly assemblages. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28: 621-638.
Karam-Gemael, M., Loyola, R., Penha, J. and Izzo, T. (2018). Poor alignment of priorities between scientists and policymakers highlights the need for evidence-informed conservation in Brazil. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 16(3), 125-132.
Li, B., Gouveia, S. Dobrovolski, R., ... et al. (2018). The primate extinction crisis in China: immediate challenges and a way forward. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27: 3301-3327.
Lodi, S., Machado-Velho, L.F., Carvalho, P. and Bini, L.M. (2018). Effects of connectivity and watercourse distance on temporal coherence patterns in a tropical reservoir. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 190(10), 566.
Lopes, V.G., Branco, C.W.C., Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B. and Bini, L.M. (2018). Zooplankton temporal beta diversity along the longitudinal axis of a tropical reservoir. Limnology 20, 121-130.
Lopes, V.G., Castelo Branco, C.W., Kozlowsky‐Suzuki, B., Sousa‐Filho, I.F., Souza, L.C. and Bini, L.M. (2018). Environmental distances are more important than geographic distances when predicting spatial synchrony of zooplankton populations in a tropical reservoir. Freshwater Biology, 63(12), 1592-1601.
Manhães, A.P., Loyola, R., Mazzochini, G.G., Ganade, G., Oliveira-filho, A.T. and Rosa, A. (2018). Low-cost strategies for protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity. Biol. Conserv., 217, 187-194.
Maracahipes, L., Carlucci, M.B., Lenza, E., Marimon, B. S., Marimon, B.H., Guimarães, F.A.G., and Cianciaruso, M.V. (2018). How to live in contrasting habitats? Acquisitive and conservative strategies emerge at inter- and intraspecific levels in savanna and forest woody plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 34, 17-25.
Martins, E., Martinelli, G. and Loyola, R. (2018). Brazilian efforts towards achieving a comprehensive extinction risk assessment for its known flora. Rodriguesia, 69, 1529-1537.
Menegotto, A. and Rangel, T. F. (2018). Mapping knowledge gaps in marine diversity reveals a latitudinal gradient of missing species richness. Nature communications, 9(1), 4713.
Meyer, L., Diniz-Filho, J. A. F. and Lohmann, L. (2018). A comparison of hull methods for estimating species ranges and richness maps. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 10(5-6), 389-401.
Michelan, T.S., Thomaz, S.M., Bando, F.M. and Bini, L.M. (2018). Competitive effects hinder the recolonization of native species in environments densely occupied by one invasive exotic species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1261.
Monteiro, L., Machado, N., Martins, E., Pougy, N., Verdi, M., Martinelli, G. and Loyola, R. (2018). Conservation priorities for the threatened flora of mountaintop grasslands in Brazil. Flora, 238, 234-243.
Monteiro, L.M., Brum, F.T., Pressey, R.L., Morellato, L.P.C., Soares-Filho, B., Lima-Ribeiro, M.S. and Loyola, R. (2018). Evaluating the impact of future actions in minimizing vegetation loss from land conversion in the Brazilian Cerrado under climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29, 1701-1722.
Morais, A.R., Oliveira, S.R., Maciel, N.M., Zortea, M., Silva, D.A., Vaz-Silva, W. and Lima-Ribeiro, M.S. (2018). New records of Rhinella sebbeni (Anura: Bufonidae) and a predictive distribution map based on ecological niche model. Herpetology Notes, 11, 197-199.
Morais, G.F., Santos Ribas, L.G., Ortega, J.C.G., Heino, J. and Bini, L.M. (2018). Biological surrogates: A word of caution. Ecological Indicators, 88, 214-218.
Nabout, J.C., Teresa, F.B., Machado, K.B., Prado, V.H.M., Bini, L.M. and Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2018). Do traditional scientometric indicators predict social media activity on scientific knowledge? An analysis of the ecological literature. Scientometrics, 115(2), 1007-1015.
Nascimento, E.R. do, Correia, I., Ruiz-Esparza, J.M. and Gouveia, S.F. (2018) Disentangling phylogenetic from non-phylogenetic functional structure of bird assemblages in a tropical dry forest. Oikos, 127, 1177-1185.
Nettesheim, F.C., Garbin, M.L., Pereira, M.G., Araújo, D.S.D. and Grelle, C.E.V. (2018). Local-scale elevation patterns of Atlantic Forest tree Community variation and assembly drivers in a conservation hotspot in southeastern Brazil. Flora, 248:61-69.
Nettesheim, F.C., Garbin, M.L., Rajão, P.H.M., Araújo, D.S.D. and Grelle, C.E.V. (2018) Environment is more relevant than spatial structure as a driver of regional variation in tropical tree community richness and composition, Plant Ecology & Diversity, 11:1, 27-40.
Neves, W. and Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2018). O Hobbit da Ilha de Flores: implicações para a evolução humana. Ciência e Cultura, 70, 56-59.
Nori, J., Villalobos, F. and Loyola, R. (2018). Global priority areas for amphibian research. J. Biogeogr., 45, 2588-2594.
Novaes, C.R.D.B., Mota, E.E.S., Novaes, E., Telles, M.P.C. and Chaves, L.J. (2018). Structure of the phenotypic variability of fruit and seed traits in natural populations of Eugenia dysenterica DC. (Myrtaceae). Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 40(3).
Patrizzi, N. S. and Dobrovolski, R. (2018). Integrating climate change and human impacts into marine spatial planning: A case study of threatened starfish species in Brazil. Ocean & Coastal Management, 161, 177-188.
Primack, R.B., Miller-Rushing, A.J., Corlett, R.T., Devictor, V., Johns, D.M., Loyola, R., Maas, B., Pakeman, R.J., Pejchar, L. (2018). Biodiversity gains? The debate on changes in local- vs global-scale species richness. Biol. Conserv., 219, A1-A3.
Rangel, T. F., Edwards, N.R., Holden, P.B., Diniz-Filho, J.A.F., Gosling, W.D., Coelho, M.T.P. Cassemiro, F.A.S., Rahbek, C. and Colwell, R.K. (2018). Modeling the ecology and evolution of biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, museums, and graves. Science, 361(6399), eaar5452.
Rattis, L., Dobrovolski, R., Talebi, M. and Loyola, R. (2018). Geographic range-scale assessment of species conservation status: A framework linking species and landscape features. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 16(2), 97-104.
Ribeiro, B.R., Martins, E., Martinelli, G. and Loyola, R. (2018). The effectiveness of protected areas and indigenous lands in representing threatened plant species in Brazil. Rodriguésia, 69, 1539-1546.
Ribeiro, B.R., Sales, L.P., Loyola, R. (2018). Strategies for mammal conservation under climate change in the Amazon. Biodivers. Conserv., 27, 1943-1959.
Ribeiro, K.F., Duarte, L. and Crossetti, L.O. (2018). Everything is not everywhere: a tale on the biogeography of cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia, 820(1), 23-48.
Rocha, M.P., Bini, L.M., Siqueira, T., Hjort, J., Grönroos, M., Lindholm, M., Karjalainen, S.M. and Heino, J. (2018). Predicting occupancy and abundance by niche position, niche breadth and body size in stream organisms. Oecologia, 186(1), 205-216.
Rodrigues, J.F.M. , Lima-Ribeiro, M.S. (2018). Predicting where species could go: climate is more important than dispersal for explaining the distribution of a South American turtle. Hydrobiologia, 808, 343-352.
Rodrigues, J.F.M., Olalla-Tárraga, M. Á., Iverson, J.B. and Diniz-Filho, J.A.F. (2018). Temperature is the main correlate of the global biogeography of turtle body size. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27, 429-438.
Santana, L.M., Nabout, J.C. and Ferragut, C. (2018). Taxonomic and functional classifications of phytoplankton in tropical reservoirs with different trophic states. Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 41, 91-102.
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